RioNational College
Website redesign
RioNational is an accredited online community college program. The client needed a responsive website in order to inform prospective students of the programs offered and other valuable information such as financial aid, scheduling, and degrees.
Design a compelling and contemporary informational website for prospective students
RioNational needed a responsive website in order to attract and convert prospective students. The website would be developed in Drupal, so I needed to design versatile templates that could be adapted for future content additions.
Design a versatile template based on competitive research and best practices
In order to understand the space, I heavily researched higher education websites, especially those with online degree programs and worked cross-functionally with a project manager, developers, and directly with the client to deliver pixel-perfect design specs, including interactions and a design system.
Persuasive, compelling, and easy to navigate responsive website
The RioNational website provides prospective students an informative glimpse into everything they need to know in order to enroll in a degree program, driving revenue for the college. My designs will provide RioNational a versatile template for adding content going forward.